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The ongoing trend is a growing market for electric vehicles,  bikes  and even motorcycles. Improved components, like motors and energy carriers made a change in peoples mind set and transition to environment friendly transportation has set in.  The same applies for the marine and industrial markets where  personal preferences or governmental demands are calling for clean means of transportation. Imansson Products has been established after capital cities commenced a zero emission policy for downtown waters.

Commercial boats for garbage-, moving- and parcel services, which have considerable weight and displacement, were vessel examples where Imansson was focussing on. The current electric motors offer a simple but powerful solution for barges, passenger transportation means and other small commercial utilized boats.

Our Imansson Products, initially developed for professional use, can be deployed in a wide range of applications and are available for anyone focussed on right value-quality ratio .


Imansson’s vision is based on a traditional way of thinking and hereby making an effort to develop and assemble products made for eternity. Hence that high quality parts and materials are being selected and suppliers with a proven reliable track record are chosen. At Imansson we are working by the ‘keep it simple’ credo combined with ‘what doesn’t exist has to be constructed’ way. Expertise, practical know how  and  modern working techniques  are key  factors in this matter.

Modular systems and plug & play solutions have to obtain conformity, expandability and comfort in assembly. These factors gain easy exchange of components or short down times during adjustment works or modifications.


Imansson is named after Iman C Padmos, who was the fifth Iman in a row. Imansson is owned by Iman W Padmos (6th).
His son, Iman L Padmos, who is number 7, has also joined the business in Oktober 2020. Nowadays Imansson represents all progeny of Iman ’the fifth’. 


Imansson has the power and will to be a trustworthy partner in providing high quality tech-products. Imansson therefore has its own logistic and technical department ; both capable to operate with high accuracy. A help-desk is stand-by for adequate and direct theoretical support, a service crew is available for hands-on to serve mechanics or end users. Imansson has a dealer network which gives us the ability to provide high quality service.

Our target is to take place in a group of players who are realising technical developments, inventing improvements and producing high quality products ready for use. Ecological awareness and integrity are in our DNA beside economic responsibility and respect for others.”  


 – CEO Iman W Padmos

T(h)rust the green way


Haven Noordzijde 1
4318 AB Brouwershaven
The Netherlands, Zeeland

+31 (0) 111 69 2407

Imansson is a division van Padmos Industrial & Marine Motors

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