Electricity is a power source with tremendous advantages, it is clean, it is silent and it provides torque from the very first revolution. Electricity is attainable from environmental friendly solar cells, wind farms, or a bit less friendlier gen-sets. Most other propulsions were not fitting the bill by its performance, complexity or price, Imansson is a smart compromise suiting multiple applications.
The 19kW electric motor is water cooled for steady endurance, the transmission with reduction gears purveys optimum shaft speed and a high torque. This rotating force allows using propellers with a large diameter; these so called ‘high thrust’ propellers are very effective at towing or at sailing under heavy weather conditions.

Imansson’s eP-motor series are low voltage powered products, available in different versions; voltage and output may differ and so do the dimensions.
The marine version is water cooled, motor housing and controller base plate possess a labyrinth filled with coolant. An additional electric centrifugal pump forces coolant through a heat exchanger keeping the temperature low and efficiency high.
Remarkable at some Imansson EP-motors is the SAE 7 mounting flange. This homologated pattern offers a variety of transmission possibilities. These may be marine gearboxes, drive adapters or sail drive units. Gearboxes with ratio are reducing outgoing revs and increasing torque proportional to the ratio. Electric motors supply torque from the very first revolution, this makes manoeuvring feasible with very low speeds. Rudder pressure will linger as long as the propeller revolves.
The Imansson electric motors are also available as industrial version, which is multifunctional; adapters are available to make standard vehicle-gearbox assemblies possible. Other field applications are agriculture and city parcel transportation & distribution.
A significant difference is that the cooling is different. The nautical version is liquid cooled, while the industrial version is air cooled. Other differences are the means of transfer; these can be direct or with reduction. A gearbox offers internal thrust bearings and feature so called ‘down angle’ or ‘drop centre’ shaft possibilities.